[Zambia] FAZ To Scout for European Players of Zambia Descent



FOOTBALL Association of Zambia president Andrew Kamanga has disclosed that the association is closely watching players of Zambian origin playing in Europe as long as they meet the grade for consideration for national team.


"We have seen quite a number of them but as you know some of the players are not playing in competitive leagues. Yes, he is Zambian but playing in Division Three or Four and they may not be at the same level as our players in the Super Division or National Division," Kamanga told Times of Zambia.


Kamanga said there was no problem in including those carrying European passports but with duo nationalist.


"Our scouting is robust and whoever we believe is good enough, we shall make an effort to engage them. Most of them carry European passports but with duo nationalist, that is not a problem," Kamanga quoted by Times.

Evelyn Edefe

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