Cameroon FA To Build 10 New Stadiums

Cameroon FA announced the construction of 10 new stadiums across Cameroon.


The project is contained in the strategic partnership between the Cameroon Football Federation and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).


 This project was officially launched this Thursday, August 4, 20,22 at the Hilton hotel in Yaoundé, in the presence of the Cameroon  Minister Delegate to the Minister of Finance, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education and several ambassadors and heads of diplomatic missions.  accredited in Cameroon.


A ceremony furnished by several speeches.  After the welcome speech of the 4th Deputy of the Yaoundé City Hall, the Resident Representative of the UNDP presented the project which will enable Cameroon to build 10 local stadiums across the country.


 Jean-Luc Stalon  announces the availability of funds for the first two stadiums (BAMENDA and KOUSSERI) for an amount of nearly 1.5 billion CFA francs.  However, he invites the social partners, the federations and the donors to come together to seek a little more than 7 billion CFA francs necessary for the construction of the 8 other stadiums.



Speaking, the President of the Cameroonian Football Federation welcomed the initiative, which according to him, is part of his vast project of building  Cameroonian football. 


 Continuing his remarks, Samuel Eto'o insisted on the need to groom future talents based on the development of sports infrastructure.  And it is precisely for this reason that he thanked the President of the Republic Paul BIYA for the national program for the development of sports infrastructure, which has enabled Cameroon to build more stadiums which are the symbol of the power of Cameroon.  in the world of sport.


Building a stadium for Eto'o means building development, giving hope to young people where despair has set in.  He promised to do everything possible to ensure the sustainability and success of the “Sport and Development” project.


Finally, the speech of the President of the Cameroon Football Federation was marked by a strong announcement.  Following the all-paid trip of two young Cameroonians during the ceremony highlighting the values ​​of sports,  Samuel ETO'O decided to make them his guests for the next Qatar 2022 World Cup.  They are Auguste Ngassam, a student at the University of Yaoundé 1 in Language and Communication Sciences;  and Tikum Diella, a student at a college in Yaoundé.

Evelyn Edefe

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