একটি শহর তার খবর আবিষ্কার করতে নির্বাচন করুন:



Stella intentó restaurar la "continuidad" en McLaren.

Andrea Stella, director of the McLaren team, said that "consistency and hierarchy" which were present during the golden era of the Ferrari team and Michael Schumacher, are among the most important factors that they are trying to establish in McLaren.

In the 2000 season, Stella joined Ferrari as an engineer, where he worked with the golden lineup at the time, which included Schumacher, Jean Todt, Ross Brawn, Rory Byrne, Nicholas Tombazis, James Allison and the genius engine designer, Bino Daggostino.

During his speech on the "Beyond the Grid" radio program online, Stella explained that the "consistency and hierarchy" that characterized the golden era at Ferrari, are still valid components that can be applied today within McLaren.
He said: "Hierarchy, quality of people; there was simply no match for it."

And he continued: "I believe that some of them accepted to stay in certain positions, even though they knew they could be promoted to higher positions in other teams, but despite this, they maintained their positions because they knew what it takes to deliver the strongest team perhaps in the history of Formula One."


সর্বশেষ ভিডিও
Sepak Takraw
মালয়েশিয়া বনাম থাইল্যান্ড: সেপাক তাকরাও বিশ্বকাপ ২০২৪
Sepak Takraw
এসটিএল ২০২৪: সেপাক তকরা লিগ হাইলাইটস
২০২৩ সালে ফুটগলফের বিশ্বব্যাপী উপস্থিতি
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Sepak Takraw
সেপাক তাকরাও: উচ্চউড়নশীল লাথি মিলেছে ভলিবলের সাথে!
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