किसी विशिष्ट स्थान से सामग्री देखने के लिए कनेक्ट करें


Champions League

Italy will face Spain on Wednesday evening in the semifinals of the League of Nations in Milan. On this occasion, #gianluigi#donnarumma, former AC Milan, will return to the city where he played before joining Paris Saint-Germain. But some supporters, those of the Curva Sud Milano, have still not digested his departure for the French capital. They thus deployed in front of the hotel of the Nzionale a banner against the doorman of the Italian champions of Europe. It reads: “Donnarumma, you will never be welcome in Milan again. Man of m ... "


नवीनतम वीडियो
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2024 अमेरिकी डिस्क गोल्फ सीजन की मुख्य विशेषताएं
सिबोचक में टूटन बनाम शिबू चक का कबड्डी धमाका
AFCON 2023: आइवरी कोस्ट का फुटबॉल महोत्सव
नवीन डिस्क गोल्फ कोर्स डिजाइन का अनावरण
Sepak Takraw
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