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De Minister van Openbare Werken en Volkshuisvesting is van plan om infrastructuur te bouwen voor 4 sporten.

De Minister van Openbare Werken en Volkshuisvesting is van plan om infrastructuur te bouwen voor 4 sporten.

Minister for Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono plans to build infrastructure for four sports branches in Indonesia, namely athletics, soccer, badminton, and swimming. This infrastructure development will be carried out gradually starting in 2024. The infrastructure to be built includes athletic stadiums, soccer stadiums, badminton arenas, and swimming pools. Minister Basuki said that the construction of this sports infrastructure aims to improve Indonesia's sports achievements at the international level. In addition, this infrastructure development is also expected to increase public interest in sports. The construction of this sports infrastructure is part of the government's plan to increase sports budget to Rp10 trillion in 2024.
