
Oubaali, who at 34 concedes his first defeat in 18 fights, could not do anything against Donaire, who was champion in four different categories (flyweight, roosters, super-roosters and feathers) and recovers a title of which he was already in possession in 2011.
टिप्पणी गर्नुहोस्
थप पोस्टहरू लोड गर्नुहोस्
सेपाक टकराव
मलेसिया बनाम थाइल्यान्ड: सेपक टाक्रौ विश्व कप २०२४
सेपाक टकराव
एसटीएल २०२४: सेपक टाकरो लिग हाइलाइट्स