#covid19 54 पोस्टहरू

COVID-19 Cases Among Athletes at Paris Olympics, Says WHO.

COVID-19 Cases Among Athletes at Paris Olympics, Says WHO.

The World Health Organization has stated that it is not surprising to see athletes testing positive for COVID-19 at the Paris Olympics, as the virus is circulating rapidly in many countries. WHO's Maria Van Kerkhove noted that numerous countries, including during the Olympics, have experienced COVID-19 surges, with at least 40 athletes testing positive. While the threat is lower than at previous Olympics, the pandemic has still impacted the Paris Games, with several athletes unable to compete after positive tests.


नवीनतम भिडियोहरू
मलेसिया बनाम थाइल्यान्ड: सेपक टाक्रौ विश्व कप २०२४
सेपाक टकराव
मलेसिया बनाम थाइल्यान्ड: सेपक टाक्रौ विश्व कप २०२४
एसटीएल २०२४: सेपक टाकरो लिग हाइलाइट्स
सेपाक टकराव
एसटीएल २०२४: सेपक टाकरो लिग हाइलाइट्स