Several key players from India's regular Test squad, including Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma, Rishabh Pant, and Yashasvi Jaiswal, are expected to participate in their respective domestic teams following recent setbacks in Test cricket. Upcoming matches include Bengal vs Haryana, Rajasthan vs Vidarbha, Bihar vs Uttar Pradesh, Kerala vs Madhya Pradesh, and Assam vs Railways, all taking place from January 23-26. The quarter-finals are set for February 8-12, with the semi-finals following from February 17-21, and the final scheduled from February 26 to March 2.
In related news, the BCCI is reportedly implementing stricter touring guidelines for the national men's team. These guidelines include limitations on the time players can spend with partners and family, allowing families to stay with players for only 14 days during tournaments lasting 45 days or longer. Additionally, players will be responsible for covering charges if their luggage exceeds 150kg. This decision comes in light of India's recent Test series defeats and criticism directed at veteran players like Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli for not participating in domestic matches to regain form.
As for the ICC Champions Trophy 2025, India has yet to announce its squad, with concerns regarding the fitness of key players such as Jasprit Bumrah and Kuldeep Yadav. The tournament is set to take place from February 19 to March 9, and the selection of India's squad is being influenced by performances in the Vijay Hazare Trophy, where players like Karun Nair have excelled, scoring 664 runs in six innings, including five centuries.