Egypt's press conference ahead of their Africa Cup quarter-final against Morocco had been canceled due to excessive delay, the Confederation of African Football (CAF) said on Saturday. " Our apologies as we announce the cancellation of the press conference of the national team of Egypt”, explained at 6 p.m. Cameroonian time the media manager of CAF, highlighting the delay. #dk
टिप्पणी गर्नुहोस्
स्पोर्ट्समा स्वागत छ!
खेलकुद मञ्च हरेक खेलकुदका लागि समर्पित। मा खोल्नुहोस्
एमेच्योर क्लबहरू, लीगहरू, संघहरू, खेलाडीहरू, खेलाडीहरू, प्रशिक्षकहरू, प्रशंसकहरू, पत्रकारहरू, संघहरू, व्यापारीहरू, र स्थानीय व्यवसायहरू।