Chicago Marathon to Honor Late Kenyan Record Holder Kelvin Kiptum
The 46th Chicago Marathon will honor the memory of Kenyan Kelvin Kiptum, who set a stunning world record there a year ago before tragically passing away in a car accident in February 2024. On October 8, 2023, the then 23-year-old Kiptum, an unknown athlete, achieved the unthinkable by winning in 2 hours and 35 seconds, breaking his compatriot Eliud Kipchoge's world record (2h01.09), the marathon king. Kiptum, the new star of the race, aimed for a sub-two-hour marathon in April 2024 and Olympic gold in Paris. Sadly, he died on February 11 following a road accident in Kaptagat, Rift Valley, near his home and training site. His coach, Rwandan Gervais Hakizimana, also perished in the crash. #kelvinkiptum,#chicagomarathon,#runninglegend
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