The show kicked off with a special video featuring Triple H, who eloquently compared the world of wrestling to an artist's canvas, highlighting the rich history of the sport through famous clips. Comedian Gabriel Iglesias made a brief appearance but was quickly interrupted by New Day, who expressed their frustration over not receiving airtime. Meanwhile, Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman celebrated their recent victory and announced a special celebration scheduled for January 27, teasing fans with a glimpse into the upcoming WWE2K25.
The main event showcased a thrilling match between CM Punk and Seth Rollins, which began with an intense exchange outside the ring. Rollins aggressively sent Punk crashing into the barricade, demanding the referee allow the match to continue. The action escalated as Punk backdropped Rollins into the crowd, but Rollins quickly regained control, only for Punk to counter with a well-timed punch. The match continued inside the ring, where Rollins narrowly missed a Stomp attempt, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. This match was part of the new Netflix format, which allows for a flexible runtime and promises guest stars and debuts.
Additionally, wrestling legend Hulk Hogan made a notable appearance, chatting with Jimmy Hart while promoting his beer and the Raw show on Netflix, although the reception from fans was lukewarm. The episode also provided a sneak peek at upcoming matches, including a rematch between CM Punk and Seth Rollins set for the following week.