The post, which read, `Good leaders emerge when they show resolve for a scrap,` was shared on X, a social media platform. This message came at a time when India was struggling to chase down a target of 340 runs. The Indian team had lost three quick wickets, and the situation looked dire. However, Ashwin's post was not just about the immediate situation; it was a broader commentary on leadership in cricket.
Ashwin clarified his post by adding, `This tweet isnāt for people who own fan clubs.` This statement suggests that his message was aimed at those who are not swayed by fan loyalty and instead focus on the true essence of leadership in cricket.
The Indian team's performance on Day 5 was marked by a comeback effort led by Yashasvi Jaiswal and Rishabh Pant. Despite their valiant efforts, India ultimately fell short, with Pant being dismissed by Mitchell Marsh after a stunning catch. The Australian team's comeback was significant, and they managed to push India back against the wall.
Ashwin's post has been interpreted in various ways, with some fans believing it was directed at India's captain, Rohit Sharma, who has been struggling for form in recent Tests. However, Ashwin's clarification suggests that his message was more universal, aimed at those who truly understand the spirit of leadership in cricket.