Tennis Trainer Practice Tool Tennis Ball Machine Portable |
Source: eBay |
Price: $111.66 |
Rating: 0 |
Delivery: Free shipping |
Tennis Trainer With 1Pc Tennis Ball Tennis Self Training Rebounder Set |
Source: |
Price: $21.26 |
Rating: 5 |
Delivery: $7.14 shipping |
Albion Tennis Racket - 19" (Ages: 3 to 5) |
Source: |
Price: €14.00 |
Rating: 0 |
Delivery: €7.95 delivery |
Slazenger 4 3/8" Service Wood Tennis Racquet Made In England Racket |
Source: eBay |
Price: €23.75 + tax used |
Rating: 0 |
Delivery: €44.14 delivery |
HEAD Speed TEAM L tennis racket |
Source: Outdoor49 |
Price: €180.95 |
Rating: 5 |
Delivery: Free delivery |

पाकिस्तान के अकील खान और मुजम्मिल मेहमान टीम को कोई वास्तविक खतरा पहुंचाने में नाकाम रहे, जबकि भारत के साकेत और युकी माइनेनी ने अपने देश को प्रथम विश्व कप में पहुंचाया।